Saturday, January 13, 2007

{The Artist's Way}

One of the goals I have for this year is to take more opportunities to grow as an artist. I have found that The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron is very helpful, but I have a hard time doing it all alone. So I was thrilled when one of the gals at the 2Peas Pub board suggested a challenge to work through it as a group. I've wanted to do this for a long time, but could never find a group that was just getting started. I jumped at this opportunity!

This group is starting on 14 January, so I need to spend this weekend reading the first chapter. I've done "morning pages" for quite awhile, although they aren't always done in the morning, but whenever I feel a need to write.

Studying this book in a group will be quite a challenge for me, as I tend to read through things carefully and thoughtfully, and work through them slowly ~ I won't be able to do this and keep up with the group. I will have to read and work quickly. Perhaps this will cause me to see things in a different manner than I normally would. And seeing things differently is a good thing!

Monday, January 01, 2007

{The Next Step}

I'm so excited about this next step! My mom got me Photoshop CS2 for my birthday. I am still waiting to get my new computer all set up, but this is going to be a reality in early 2007. I love to learn, so I am really excited and looking forward to this! I can't wait to give this a try!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

{My Creative Dreams}

I have creative dreams...huge creative dreams! While they revolve mostly around mixed media in the form of paper crafting and textiles, they aren't defined clearly yet, but they are exciting, tantalizing, life revolves around them. I've been reading, researching, exploring...trying to find my style, my niche. Recently this exploration has led me on some very interesting paths and I have a feeling that this creative journey is just the beginning of great things to come! I am so excited to see what is around the next corner, over the next horizon and I can't wait to see where this adventure takes me next!